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Pi & Beto

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Pi & Beto

Estos son los dos hijos de Kalinka. Nacieron el 14 de Marzo (3.14) y de ahí el nombre: Pi, para la hembra, y Beto (por Albert Einstein) para el macho. Beto es el blanco, que sale volteando.

En el blog voy a subir algunas fotos más de las que les he tomado durante este tiempo, hay algunas divertidas.

This are Kalinka’s two “babies”. They were born the 14th of March (3.14) and their name comes from there. Pi for the female and Beto (from Albert Einstein) for the male. Beto is the white one.

In my blog I’m going to upload some more photos that I have taken… there are some pretty funny.

Sorry for the lack of updates this past weeks. I haven’t been able to take much photos and process them. Teaching the computers to hear is somewhat more difficult that one could think 🙂

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