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Mirror Selfportrait – Aguascalientes, Marzo 2013

Selfportrait in mirror

Uploaded specially for the Mirror challenge at Photofriday, even when it’s “out of context” from the photos I’ve been uploading lately, as this was taken some months ago. Hope you like it, though.

Escuchando: Poles Apart – Pink Floyd

3 thoughts on “Mirror Selfportrait – Aguascalientes, Marzo 2013”

  1. Excellent framing and B and W, I don’t know if you’ve seen, but I’ve posted two days ago a self-portrait in B and W which isn’t so far from yours.
    What is also stunning is that I was just listening to Pink Floyd (The Gnome).
    Can you tell me more about Photo Friday ?

    1. Hello Basile!

      Thanks for your comment. This photo was taken with B/W film… actually, since I started taking photos with film again, I’ve only used B/W 🙂

      I saw your photo. It would actually look like film at first sight: the small spots in the window look a lot like the dust commonly found on scanned film.

      Thanks again for your comments and visits, it’s really appreciated.

    2. Oh, and about Photofriday. It’s a site, working since… I don’t know… 2006? where they put a theme/subject/word each friday for us to put a link to a photo which is our interpretation of the theme. It’s still a somewhat vibrant community, although it has seen better days before. Here is the link:

      Regards, and have a great weekend!

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